Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wifi Optimizer For Windows 7

Océane Rose Mary, the lesbian

Je voulais initialement vous parler d'une toute nouvelle expérimentation, fort réjouissante, sortie tout droit des grands cerveaux de l'Education Nationale: une idée brillantissime, un éclair pédagogique révolutionnaire, pleine des valeurs d'humanisme et d'amour de la connaissance, censée lutter contre l'absentéisme dans les lycées professionnels de banlieue: donner 10000€ à la fin de l'année aux classes dont les élèves n'auront pas été absents. Après m'être réjouie du fait que le matérialisme était définitivement devenu la seule motivation de notre société, j'ai juste eu envie de changer de boulot...Mais I'm not going to talk about it, finally it's too boring. Go read the article if you're interested.
I'd tell you about a show I saw last night in Paris and me laugh so much that I still hurt zygomatic. It is a one-woman show called "Equator Rose Marie, a lesbian invisible." FEMS is for who feel discriminated against, for the pretty butch who love FEMS for two who are looking for straight people who are not located or not, the guys who have nothing else to do for all people who love to laugh ... Finally, I will not do a spiel on either issue, the better, to form an opinion is to go there. This is the theater of Limelight, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening at 20h. You can find more information here . Even people who do not live in Paris must go, that's all beside the Gare du Nord. She also has a blog very funny that I recommend. And hurry to book the room is very small and it is apparently often full.

Baby Dyke


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