Friday, December 10, 2010

How To Write An Invitation Letter For Usa Visa


Je ne sais pas vous ? Mais depuis quelques jours, j’ai quand même un peu de mal de décrocher d’une playlist de Benjamin Biolay . Trois, quatre titres en particulier que je me passe en boucle sur mon vieux Power book™ tout usé. « La superbe », « Brandt rhapsodie », « L’héritage », « Mélancolique », « Tout ça me tourmente », « Sans viser personne » ... C’est-à-dire que l’album détonne tellement au milieu de cette « nouvelle chanson française » comment dire ?!... Maybe a little sad, because still a bit creamy and if agreed too! (The business side a little ugly traffic of souls and all the music you can easily put on it to get stoned neurons market share, explode the brain to the net profits).

Benjamin Biolay ... Since the beginning of December a little confusing side gray sky with all the crap lying around in (the political demagoguery, hollow bank bonds which nobody understands anything, the hypocrisy des tribunes ; le conformisme médiatique en général). Benjamin Biolay. Bon d’accord, le type est accro aux opacités de Bashung et à toutes les noirceurs de Gainsbourg ; à Miossec et à Dominique A aussi. Enfin tout ce qui ressemblerait un peu à quelque chose au-delà des fluctuations radiophoniques standardisées depuis au moins vingt ans. Putain, vingt ans !... comme le temps passe, et qui ne m’évoque rien de bon pour ce qui doit suivre encore sur le terrain des idées molles et des marches arrières forcées. Benjamin Biolay qui « ne vise personne » mais si quand même un peu ! Toutes les formes d’esprit ressassées, l’industrie du plaisir immédiat ; some form of vulgarity to finish. Pornography vague feelings. But hey, never mind. Just to mention again and in return ... this broadcast recently on arte, an animated film directed by Israeli director Ari Folman. "Waltz with Bashir."

This "band" in ribbon form sublime and introverted to speak modestly of the massacre of Sabra and Shatila in 1982 during the Lebanon war. Ari Folman was then part of the expeditionary corps of the IDF managed to Beirut at the time of the bloody events perpetrated by right-wing Lebanese militias. A veritable nausea. The film is une enquête documentaire fabriquée sur le mode du dessin animé. (Qui aurait pu oser ?) Des véritables coups de crayon de couleurs noir et jaune sur le ton onirique, celui d’un rêve comme autant de cauchemars qui persistent. Une grâce dont seul peut-être « Persepolis » de Vincent Paronnaud et Marjane Satrapi avait déjà fait preuve en 2007, l’histoire de la petite Marjane qui commence en 1979 à Téhéran, juste avant que tout ne finisse par basculer dans l’absurde. « Valse avec Bachir » comme un chef d’œuvre du genre. Un coup de cinéma magistral et une bande son comment dire... un concerto de Bach, une sonate de Schubert, une valse de Chopin juste après Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark. For the rest
. A meeting at the college of letters of Besancon with Philippe Brunet, Hellenist and professor of ancient Greek to his new translation of the "Iliad."

"Homer ... on television. " We had never seen it! (Another idea from my favorite bookseller blow after smoking a Levy-Strauss and a Jünger in the Pleiades. ..) Homer. The story of a poet who wrote "with his feet. "Said like that, the idea could be misleading. But now this sort of well Actually, according to Philippe Brunet, who must now win in the reading of an ancient tragedy. Understand there, the idea of a moving gesture, considerable attention to the body, body restored as the main tool of our lyrical spells. The Iliad and the pretext for another meeting with Francoise and Jean-Marc Quiles (respectively letters teacher and drama). an appointment full of promises of travel, over a glass of Cahors high as it should.
What else ...?

"Into the Wild" Sean Penn, seen in terms of a screen reduced to a small skylight family and recently connected to a slightly defective TNT night of rain. The true story of an American student who decides one day to the road instead of a destiny mapped out. The ambush of a possible Kerouac of course! Magnificent. The music of Eddie Vedder, lead singer of Pearl Jam. A dive in radical literature American wilderness. Norman McLean course ... Larry Watson, Rick Bass ... The school of Montana (Big Sky Country). It was Robert Redford who first had largely contributed to bring this style "Wild" with the film "And the River Runs Through It." In France, a publisher of Breton origin, Olivier Gallmeiter interest in recent years to discover the secret garden writers like David Vann and Pete Fromm. Authors hitherto totally unknown in Europe and disdained major French publishing houses. The last chapter of "Into the Wild" also leaves a feeling of hovering "Last Day" by Gus Van Sant. (The story of the deluded few days brought the singer Kurt Cobain of Nirvana to his suicide).

And then this other game even, luminous, with Jean Dupuy dust in front of his machine in 1968. (Microparticles suspended in a box all red). One of the inventors of "performance art" in the seventies.

The boy born in 1925 in Mill has long exile in New York to escape the conformity and the sluggishness of the French era, already! The artist attended the Factory of Andy Warhol talked of singing stars with Rauschenberg, John Cage in person or Lichtenstein. Dupuy on TV ... (The big coup, this time a Devèze Lawrence, head of the School of Fine Arts in Besancon, in great shape this year. The gentleman is inter alia, an associate of philosophy, art critic, and has long occupied the highest culture in French institutions abroad).

artists like Gilles Picouet and "Daedalus " several tons installed in the museum courtyard of the time, while Nicolas Floch ' was moving his green plants in the air a bit disturbing to an open shed for the opportunity to tourists to the Zoo. Two major artists who have received sponsorship from the exceptional Workshops Mantion installed in Franche-Comte. (The global specialist mounts and rails). Meetings ... as sensitive as many asides amid the noise and a lot of fruitless talks between us.


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