Sunday, November 1, 2009

Homemade Pipcorn Toppings

Je n'ai plus le temps

D'écrire des textes
De faire de la guitare
De me faire chier, vautrée sur le canap '
D'aller aux entraînements de ping-pong
De m'épiler les jambes (ma meuf crisis, I look like a cute and sweet yeti )
To go a little ride

From Sleeping well read Inrocks
From reading your blogs
To think you
To make stupid videos with the two Other gouinettes who obviously have no time nor

I have no time because:

I sand, I coat, I paint, I Gein, I burn and cut myself, I pickled and retype, I lye, I scrape, j'épure and washing walls, I ride endlessly in my car, sleeping alone in a rabbit cage, eats in a self surrounded by builders and heating engineers who tell hairy ass jokes every 5 mins , and finally, and I get up super early.

my everyday life my friends here, so if you want to offer me a week's vacation in sunny countries dykes, with massages, mud, clay masks and hair removal, rock concerts rogues and movies, I'd very very grateful.

But otherwise, I still have good morale, I'm healthy, I'm Putôt gun and muscular, my love is adorable, smart, beautiful, funny and fun, I get along with my mother, I have great friends , a dog and a cat fun, garden, fridge, computer, epilator electrical, sex -toys and a stepladder.

And you otherwise it going? What's new?

Queer Sexual


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